Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Reason Behind Eksu Rumble

Reason Behind Eksu Clash

As Posted Here on this blog yesterday about the incident that cause the suspension of Ekiti State University  activities. 
The Incident began around 4:30 pm when clash between two cult erupt and heavy injury were sustained
the serious case is of the group leader of one of the cultist popularly know as AB,  these call for the emergency of the school Health Care.
The Students are waiting anxiously Outside the health care for a relief  message before dispersing, but due to the sluggish reaction of the doctors and nurses, the Patient (AB) die...
The Bad News was delivered to the anxious students, which cause immediate reaction from the student to the Health Care by Burning down their Ambulance...The Rogue Later makes movement to the school I.C.T center and destroy everything later to the School Bookshop.....Close to 15 cars were burnt down...Some Pervert take the chance of the rogue and bugle the school poultry carting away eggs, pigs, goats and rabbits  
CN (Coded Naija) efforts to reach the School VC on phone prove abortive...
All School Activity as been put on hold including the ongoing exam


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