Director of the company, Mathew Wenke, said that his company did
not intend to seek subsidy to import petroleum products.
As the fuel crisis continues without a permanent solution in sight and as controversy rages over the continuous implementation of the fuel subsidy regime, Epic Refinery and Petrochemicals Company Limited, has said it intends to import refined fuel and sell at N75 per litre.
Wenke said that such importation was part of the company’s contribution to the Federal Government’s transformation agenda under President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration.
According to him, the current scarcity of fuel and the attendant high cost was caused by saboteurs who want to discredit the present administration for political reasons.
Wenke said the petroleum products when imported would be made available to Nigerians through the use of the distribution network of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) to squarely address the issue of scarcity.
He however said the company which had applied to the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) to build a $30bn refinery in Bayelsa State would acquire series of tankers to distribute the product to all zones in the country.
“The current fuel scarcity is caused by some saboteurs and we intend to fill this gap. It is for the sake of national interest. We shall go into mass importation of fuel while preparing to establish refinery in the next two years. We shall import fuel without asking for subsidy. We have sought to use the NNPC distribution network to address the issue of scarcity. We shall do this to show our support to the President.”, he said
He explained that the idea to sell at N75 per litre at a time when fuel was selling between N110 and N130 in some parts of the country was mainly to demonstrate genuineness to contribute to the nation’s development and not to create more hard times for Nigerians.
“We believe that after selling at N75 per litre we shall still have enough to sustain our business”, he said.
Wenke promised that when his company was granted licence to build a refinery, the company would ensure that the price per litre would further go down.
He disclosed that the company planned to import fuel, diesel and kerosene, adding that if industry marketers went on strike for whatever reason, the company should bring in its own trucks for products distribution.
“We have written to the Minister and other agencies that we want to import. We are now waiting for their approval”, he said.
When asked on how his company intended to handle the issue of the oil industry cabal trying to frustrate such offers, he maintained that the company could not be intimidated in whatever way.
“No cabal can stop us from importing fuel at reduced price. To us, we are trying to contribute our quota to the economic development of this country. We want to think and behave like a new Nigerian. As Ijaw man, we are all mafians, we believe that nobody can stop us”, he said.
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