Nigeria IS 52
Nigeria Is 52 Years Of Liberty Age "Happy Independence Age"
Barack Obama Caught On Kiss Cam
The President Of United States Of America "Barack Obama" Attend A basketball game with his family and was caught on Kiss Cam
Today is Independence Day. The first of October 1960 is a date to which for two years every Nigerian........
Rick Ross Maybach Music Clashes With Young Jeezy
ATLANTA — Rick Ross Maybach Music camp is involved in quite a bit.......
With this picture one wonders how patriotic Nigerians are to have such a tattoo engraved.......
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Thursday, October 25, 2012
How Don Jazzy betrayed me’ – D’banj
‘There’s an important person in that building, right?’ the cab driver asked. ‘Important musician?’
I nodded, too tired to let any curious driver drag me into a conversation.
He got the message and left me alone the entire drive from Canary Wharf to the London Marriot Hotel, in Grosvenor Square.
Then, as I got down to get my suitcase from the trunk, he gave me a knowing look, smiled, and said ‘are you the musician?’
‘Of course not’, I said to him, smiling this time. ‘The musician is in Canary Wharf, his name is D’banj’.
Silence. Confused look.
Yes, D’banj. He’s big in Africa. You know ‘Oliver Twist?’
Silence again, then as his final ‘no’ came, I said ‘Google him.’
It was 4am on Saturday, April 21. I arrived in London eight hours earlier, and had spent almost all of that time chatting with D’banj, in his first interview with a Nigerian newspaper in a long time, and his first interview on the Mo’Hits brouhaha.
London is D’banj’s town. He’s performed there over and over, his single ‘Oliver Twist’ is on the A-list at Choice FM,
and enjoys heavy rotation on other stations. A day before I came, he
spent hours doing interviews at the Universal offices in Kensington.
Some might hail D’banj as the man championing the gospel of ‘Afrobeats’
across the world. But, just like the cab driver, London does not yet
know D’banj.
As we walk into the Choice FM building
in the afternoon on Saturday, there are no heads turning or fans gazing.
In fact, his lawyer, Elias, who wore a pair of loud snakeskin boots,
attracted more attention than D’banj.
Who leaves a zone where they’re
comfortable and celebrated; where they’re established and successful,
for a place where no one seems to give the slightest care?
D’banj, that’s who.
The 31 year-old entertainer has spent nearly two years building structures he hopes will help take his music to new markets in Europe,
and especially America. This move, he believes, cost him his friendship
and business relationship with his long time partner Don Jazzy.
‘I’m a risk taker’, he says. ‘Life
is all about risks. But you must never endanger yourself. I don’t
endanger myself, which is why, even though I’m here, I’m still in
Nigeria all the time, performing’.
With incredible energy, and the kind of passion that endeared everyone to him when he first moved back to Nigeria in 2005, D’banj says his deal with Kanye West is a case of ‘preparation meets opportunity’.
‘I pulled up with my entourage at
the Emirates first class lounge in Dubai. We were returning from Scott
Tommey’s birthday. I came down with Bankuli, my P.A. Chuchu, and my
business manager Chidi. My entourage was large and I was looking fly.
One of the hostesses ran to me with a Kanye West placard. I said I’m not
Kanye o – then I told my guys ‘Kanye is around so no dulling.’ Chuchu
and Bankuli spotted Kanye walking in to check in. They went to him and
he said we could come over’.
‘As they came, I had my iPad with
me, and my headphones. First thing Kanye said was ‘I like your T-shirt’.
I wore a Zara T-shirt and a D&G ring. He liked my appearance and
said he’d give me 5 minutes. I told him ‘I played with you in Nigeria
during NB PLC Star Megajam. I’ve done a song with Snoop and we’re going to shoot the video now.
I’d like to play you my songs.’ I played Oliver, Scapegoat, and Fall in
love. He was dancing. He removed the headphones and said ‘I don’t mean
to sound rude, but if anyone has to bring you out in the states, it has
to be me, not Snoop. He asked when I was going to be in the US, and I
told him I was going there that day. Then he asked who my producer was,
and I said Don Jazzy. He said ‘come with him.’
Three months later, D’banj, Don Jazzy
and their crew were in New York, where, according to D’banj, it took
almost forever before they could establish contact with Kanye. ‘It was
only an email address he gave us at the airport. So when we got to NY,
we sent several emails but got no response. Not a single one.’
‘Then we met someone that knew
someone that knew another someone and we got another email address. We
sent several messages again, no response. Then Bankuli sent a final one
saying, ‘we have been in New York for some time and sent several emails.
We have waited long enough and are now on our way to do the Snoop Dogg video’
And then the reply came. ‘Sorry to have overlooked your earlier emails. Mr. Kanye would like to meet with you tomorrow.’
‘We didn’t believe it. Don Jazzy,
who had been reluctant all along, still did not believe it. Even when we
got there (Wyclef’s studio) the next day, he stood outside. When Kanye
came I went to call him ‘Oya come now, come play am the music now’. It
was difficult to believe it was real and it was happening. Then when
Kanye came in, with the GOOD music acts, I was like, ‘wow’.
From there everything happened fast. Next they were meeting Jay Z, making a presentation to LA Reid
(At Electric studios), and discussing contracts. But while the label
offered him a traditional recording contract, D’banj opted for a joint
venture agreement structured to guarantee three things: retaining full
control of his materials in Africa, signing Don Jazzy on board (on
behalf on Mohits USA), and, he says, bringing the Universal/Def Jam
imprint to Africa.
‘I’ve always thought of how I can be
a useful vessel to the industry. A friend and colleague always says to
me: ‘D’banj, you’re the Jesus Christ of the industry.’ So having ran
Mohits for nine years, I already had plans of how we could blow Mohits
up. I had plans of expanding, and most especially, bringing hope to
that 11 year-old kid somewhere in Africa who may never have had the
opportunity to get signed to major labels’.
‘So it was not really just about
me. There’s a big market in Africa. I said to them, ‘I’ve sold
millions of records in Africa, we’ve done millions of hits with CRBT,
and I’ve run the most successful label on the continent. You take care
of the US, but let me take you to Africa.‘ And I’m happy to tell
you that we’re doing that. D’banj’s album will be the first under
Universal/Def Jam Africa, and we’re already putting all the structures
in place’.
‘I’m a businessman.’ I learnt from my
mom, who’s a very successful businesswoman. So having run and funded
Mohits for nine years, I knew we had to move to the next level. And
everything we wanted was happening. Finally we could take African music
to the world.’
Just like the lyrics of the song, D’banj
was an Oliver Twist. Here’s a guy who had conquered a continent; was
sitting on the top three list, and making more money than anyone else in
his category. D’banj was a big player in Nigeria, where there are over
150 million people; a big player in Africa, with over 850 million
people. But he wanted to play big globally, with 7 billion people to
grab from.
And that’s where the problem started. ‘Don
Jazzy was no longer comfortable. You know, we were like fishes out of
water, in this new system, starting all over again, like when we
returned home in 2004. I got him a place in the US, set up a studio
there, just so he’d be comfortable and be able to work without going to
hang around the studios. In one year Jazzy did not make a song. I said,
maybe you want to go back to Lagos, you’ll get inspiration there?’
I was all about the work, I wanted us to make this happen, so we can
bridge that gap and create a path for Africa. But Jazzy wanted us to go
back home. And I understand. He’s my friend, my brother’.
‘But I never expected him to do what
he did.’ He said to me in July last year ‘Let’s scatter Mohits. He told
me there are two captains – two captains cannot be in a ship. I was
like ‘that’s not possible, this is a marriage’. He said ‘then this
marriage is no longer working’. I said then let’s go for counseling; I
asked, so what happens to our children?’
Don Jazzy wanted Mohits, D’banj says.
And that happened on April 16, 2012 – after months of a bitter feud,
characterized by accusations and counter accusations, widespread speculation, leaked emails and failed reconciliation attempts.
‘You can see he has signed already’, he said, showing the agreement with Don Jazzy’s signature. ‘I have full rights to my catalogue and full ownership of my Koko Holdings, while he has full ownership of Mo’Hits, including the artistes and liabilities.’
Already judged guilty in the court of public opinion, and publicly disowned by his own boys Wande Coal and Dr SID, D’banj says he’s sad, but not bitter. Does he feel kind of lonely, alone in the cold? ‘Asking
me if I’m lonely because Wande or Jazzy has left me is like asking my
first sister if she’s lonely now – she has two kids now, lives in
Canada. Don Jazzy is still my brother – we just had to move on. We’ll
still work together in future, same with my boys. In fact, just this
week, he sent me the remix to Oliver Twist that we’re releasing in the UK on May 14.
All the interviews I’ve had here, I kept hyping him. It’s already in my
system – you know me, I’m a one-way soldier. Jazzy is a very quiet
person. Loyalty is key. My loyalty still lies in the friendship I had
with him. He was cheated by JJC, and I was present. I swore never to
cheat him. But I’d like to think our visions became different.
‘It was clear when we met that Jazzy
wanted to be the biggest producer, I wanted to be the biggest African
entertainer, not the biggest singer. I had my mind on money. In order to
say I’m the biggest, I had to be the richest. So for a very long time,
he was on the back end. He respected my act, I respected his music
judgment. Every meeting that brought us money I went for. I’d say I need
to confirm from Don Jazzy because that was the agreement, even though I
knew it was my decision. First Glo deal was $500,000. That Landcruiser
jeep was because of my demands. It was because of the skill and exposure
that I used to bargain. I’m a businessman’
‘People say I’m less talented, I was
known as a jester in the JJC squad. I’d make everyone happy and play
the mouth organ, but I knew what I wanted. I decided to give Don Jazzy
power in 2007 when we realized that after four years, they did not
recognize us as a record label. We had signed artistes and done all this
work. So we restructured, and restrategized. So I told him to chill, so
he can be more respected and be the don. I’m older than him by one
year, yet I respected him like a don. I remember when he came out at Ali
Baba show, I knelt down for him, so people would say he’s the baba. All
the talking in my ears and all, it was an arrangement. All the
Soundcity advert and all, he did not tell me anything. It was all an
With his UK publicist Vanessa Amadi taking notes nearby, his manager Bankulli
interjecting every now and then, and several legal documents
surrounding us, D’banj spoke passionately of his former partner in the
same way a man might go on about a cherished and respected, but
estranged, lover. He’s on his sixth cigarette, and thinks the room is
stuffy, even though no one complains. So he opens the sliding glass for
ventilation. ‘Jazzy did his part’, he says, sitting down again and looking me in the face. ‘He
made the music for nine years. But nothing stops him from making for
twenty more years. We could have changed the formula. Why didn’t he want
to change the formula? It was time to expand the business, Mohits was
Motown reloaded. We always knew we would expand, he always said I had
more swagger than anyone else he knows, And I know he’s one of the best
producers in the world; we wanted to make Mohits the biggest in Africa.
Other labels were springing up. So if we could conquer America, London
when no one had done it before. Most of our people stop in Germany, or
Paris. But this is America, this is the big league; it makes us the
strongest, the biggest. We had already made the money. And who best to
introduce me to the rest of the world? Kanye did not want to change
anything about my music, my style of dressing, or my brand. It is God’s
favour. But Jazzy was and is very scared. Something had worked for eight
years, so he wanted to maintain the status quo. People are afraid to
try new things.’
‘But’, he tells me, still maintaining eye contact while lighting another cigarette, ‘I’m
not afraid. I’m a vessel that God is trying to use to help the
industry. I’m a bridge. Once in a few years, one artiste comes from the
UK to run the world, none has come from Africa. Fela was the closest.
It’s been my own dream; I made my name from Nigeria, unlike Seal, Wale,
and Tinie Tempah. And I want to bring Universal, Def Jam and all to
Nigeria. So if I can build that bridge, then we’re good, because it will
give hope to the boys in Asaba, in Oshogbo that this thing is
The day after our Canary Wharf interview, we meet up at Highbury Islington, where he’s shooting a documentary and the promo for the Oliver Twist competition for the UK. D’banj’s new crew: Semtex (a white A&R rep from the label), Bankuli and Vanessa, are on the ground, working with the production team. ‘This is why we’re here o. This is the work’, he says as he invites me into the dressing room.
‘And when people say why am I not
talking, this is why. I’m focused on making this happen. It’s more
important for me to make sure I don’t disappoint all those who have
invested in me; all those who believe in me and are supporting the
movement, than to be fighting over who’s right or wrong. Even now that
I’m talking to you, I don’t even know if I should be doing this
It’s very unexpected that D’banj – the
super aggresive D’banj – is speaking in this manner. He has fought many
battles, cut off many former friend-associates, ignored the Nigerian
media, and reportedly humiliated several Mo’hits members, including
Ikechukwu and Dr SID. Temperamental, often impatient, and vocal, those
who know him will tell you the D’banj they know, is not the one that’s
So I ask:
The perception is that you’ve
become arrogant, unreachable, proud. You’re not the D’banj we used to
know; not the D’banj I used to know – and most people in the media will
say this is true
Obviously people will say stuff – but
this is me. I can’t keep up with everyone, no matter how much I try.
But I understand where I’m coming from. I cant forget my roots – all the
interviews I had yesterday, I was ‘bigging up’ DJ Abass, he gave me my
first show in London. You saw me giving Jazzy props in my interview
earlier. That’s me. If I was arrogant I wouldn’t have been the one even
chasing Jazzy around since he told me last July that he wanted to
scatter Mohits. Last time I saw him was on February 19 at Irving Plaza. He didn’t support the show, and he only came on stage when SID and Wande were performing. I wanted peace.
And even my mom, who had supported us
from beginning, who gave us the house we stayed in (in Michael Otedola
estate, Lagos), the Previa bus we used and paid for Tongolo video, spoke to his parents last December; ‘this is what your son said o’. I remember my mom saying to me, ‘if you guys have been together all these years, and no wahala, then if you need to part, I hope there’ll be no wahala.’
She was very particular about that. I had enough proof to have come out
and speak; this thing has been on for a long time, and we’re in April
now. But I don’t want to cause any wahala. I don’t want to spoil
anything. I don’t want trouble. Right now, I just want to be able to
move on and do my business.’
That’s surprising, because when the leaked emails emerged, revealing private email conversations between the estranged partners, all fingers pointed at D’banj. Don Jazzy, a likeable celeb and social media addict, didn’t have anything to prove. D’banj was the one who looked bad, and, understandably, would want to make a move that could earn him public sympathy.
‘The signing (away of my shares in
Mohits) was already being discussed before April 16. If I kept quiet
from January till now, what would it benefit me to leak anything?
Remember all the stuff about my password and all? We know where that was
from, I really wouldn’t want to think it was from him, my brother, but
it could be from anywhere, but I don’t want to call anyone’s name’
But were the emails forged?
Everything in those emails were facts.
And I don’t even think the mails favoured me in any way. It’s not the
exact mails that were sent and signed, but there were elements of truth
in the mails that were published.’
Why did you tell Ebony you own Mohits?
My mom advised me not to speak. And the interviewer took it out of context. I co-owned Mohits. We registered the business in 2004, and we owned it 50:50. So I spoke about that, but the interviewer took it wrong and the fans put pressure on them and they corrected it.
How about Sahara Reporters?
I never wanted to have any interview. It
was on the eve of my US show. I was told I should do the interview,
because they’re very troublesome. I had to do the interview for the sake
of my show the next day. I was guaranteed that there’d be no politics
questions. I had not been in the country. And I had been under
pressure. Sadly, when that happened and I was being attacked in the
media, none of my guys came out to support me.
Looking at all this, what are your regrets?
The truth is that if nothing went wrong,
you’d have still heard all this good news and Mohits would take the
glory, I didn’t come out in eight years to say anything. Everyone made
their contributions. There were no issues, as long as it worked. My
mistake was thinking that we were one. People don’t question their
brothers and sisters.
How do you feel about Wande Coal and Dr. SID taking sides with Jazzy?
I won’t be too quick to judge Wande Coal. I hear it was Jazzy that tweeted those Wande tweets.
I don’t know how true that is, but I know he had our social media
accounts. As at a month ago, I couldn’t access any of my accounts. My password was changed on Twitter and Facebook.
Then Universal intervened. I’m about to be verified on Twitter now. I’m
not really a social media person, so it was Don Jazzy and some of our
other guys that were running it. Wande himself knows the truth. He
cannot talk to me like that. The whole Mohits knew who ran the label
businesswise. They knew who to come to when they needed to get money
out, after we recorded the album. Who knows the factory where Dansa was
made? But you will know the marketing manager. The car he’s driving, I
bought him a brand new Prado from Phyllis and Moss after he crashed the
car he won from Hiphop World awards. I bought six Range Rovers last
year. I bought D’Prince an LR 3 last year, he crashed it, then I bought
him a Range, and it’s true that I bought two Bentleys. Because of Jazzy.
But after July last year, after the issue with Jazzy, I bought myself
the Aston Martin.
You bought that? I thought that was a gift?
I bought it.
How were you able to fund all that?
In the last nine years, there are a few
people and corporate bodies that God has helped me build relationships
with, either individuals or banks, or even corporates that are involved
in the growth of the industry. I’ve enjoyed their support, and even now
that we’re going global, we’re pooling the funds together from all these
Could you possibly be Nigeria’s richest pop star? A billionaire?
Vanity upon vanity. Money is material.
In terms of what we’re doing, you’ll call me a Trillionaire, because
this vision is too big for only me. With the help of the industry, the
government, people like you Ayeni, we will not only be billionaires, but
trillionaires, and not just me, but every little kid that has same
talent like Beyonce, or Nicki Minaj. And with the standard of the UMG
worldwide, we can pass people out from our own Universal Music Group
Africa, Universal Def Jam Africa, and everyone should jump on this ship
with us. It’s not the Titanic.
There’s been a lot of confusion – what label exactly are you signed on?
My album comes out under my label/GOOD
Music/Island Def Jam. I’m funding the D’banj album, in America, through
GOOD Music/Island Def Jam. GOOD Music is Kanye West who is co-executive
producing with me. The deal comprises of Island Def Jam, in US. But in UK, it is under Mercury.
My first single will be released in Europe on May 14. My work will be
released in Africa through Universal/Def Jam. We don’t have these
structures in Africa, and they’ve seen how much money they’ve lost.
They’ve seen what I’ve done with Mohits. I made my pitch to them; I’ve
made them realize how much they were losing in the African region. Over
150m Nigerians, over 800m Africans. 2% of that is 8.5m. They were not
making anything except from S.A, which has been the US of Africa. So we
will be launching this label in Ghana, in partnership with Vodafone,
launching in Nigeria in partnership with MTN. Def Jam Africa will be up
soon; Kenya, SA, and North Africa will follow.
Why are you risking all this? What if you burn your fingers and lose everything you’ve worked for?
Lose out? Well, I am happy I even have
something to risk. To whom much is given, much is expected. Look at
Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Jay Z, Kanye West, these people take it to the
max, take it to where they believe that they can push it to. In the
first instance, coming back to Nigeria with Jazzy was because I was a
risk taker. And I wouldn’t say I’m throwing everything away. I would say
I’m putting everything back in, in order to rip into the future. I get a
broadcast from Tonye Cole everyday. He says when you tell people this
your vision, know that it’s not for you alone – it’s for everyone. It’s
like what Fela did. If what I’m doing doesn’t work, but sows that seed
that will germinate in three, five years, it means my name will be
written in gold.
Some people have tried this before you, unsuccessfully. Do you have doubts and fears sometimes?
My last album was in July 2008 – no
album in four years and I know what I still command in those four years.
The momentum for me to be able to do this is because I see how much it
took me, I saw the benefit, it’s God, and the favour of the
relationships we’ve built. Plus, I don’t take no for an answer, I don’t
take negativity. It will work in Jesus’ name. If not, I wouldn’t have
landed in the UK and hear Oliver Twist on the radio. Nor would I be in
the mainstream media with them saying I’m pioneering afrobeats. I said
to them ‘Oh hell no, that’s Fela’s music. Fela is the legend.’ So I pray
to God – I beg my fans, it‘ll be good to do half a million downloads.
It’s possible, it’s a different market. Platinum in UK is 300,000. I
believe with the support of my people in Redding, Coventry, Dusting,
Hackney, Thamesmead, Abbeywood, we can do it.’
And so, as I say my goodbyes and flag
down the cab that’ll take me to Heathrow Airport, I can’t help thinking
out loud: should one man sacrifice the wishes of the collective on the
altar of ambition and material wealth? But then, what should be expected
of the man whose dreams and ambition grow beyond those of other –
possibly myopic- members of the collective: should an individual
sacrifice his personal desires; derail his destiny, so to speak, in the
interest of the collective?
In all of this, faithfulness and loyalty have been brutally murdered. And the jury is still out on who pulled the trigger.PHOTO: Who’s better at the kissing game? President Obama or GEJ?
US Presidential couple Barack and Michelle Obama have always shown public affection and we adore them for it.
But what can we say about our very own Goodluck Jonathan and First Lady Dame Patience?
The couple rarely get intimate in public. But they were happy to show us some PDA when Patience recently returned from Germany.
Will Nigeria’s first couple show us more of their soft sides? Which couple looked cuter, by the way?!
Wizkid to work with M.I’s former manager Godwin Tom
Wizkid will soon be working with Godwin Tom
A few weeks ago, we reported that pop star Wizkid and manager Osagie Osarenkhoe parted ways.
We’ve got news for you – the pop star may have hired popular manager Godwin Tom.
Wiz and Osarenkhoe, who runs her own outfit M.e.tal Management, ended their business relationship in June 2012, and we’re told Wizzy has been without a manager since then.
Meanwhile, Wizzy’s label EME also recently announced that they are ‘currently seeking for a General Manager to manage its growing business and build up the EME label.’
Godwin seems like the likely replacement, having handled M.I, in whose career he played a vital role, and rapper duo Show Dem Camp. He also had a stint with singer Airis and is currently part of singer Waje‘s management team.
Inside sources tell us that Godwin hasn’t signed any contracts, as he will be on probation for now.
Meanwhile, Mr Tom said ’I’ve seen
the news and there’s a lot of speculation. There has been no
announcement of such so let’s just leave it at that for now‘. But going by his words on social network Twitter, Godwin seems to be excited about the new role.
‘Things are coming together… I am
doing what I love… What Im good at. I dont regret being who I am! I am
the best me! I dont regret one bit of my last 5+ years. They were the
best. And best is relative… Things are about to get better!‘ he tweeted.
P.Diddy Injured in L.A. Car Crash
TMZ has just obtained a photograph of Diddy after the accident, and he
was so shaken up by the crash ... he had to lie down on the grass.

Diddy was involved in a serious car accident in L.A. moments ago ... TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, a car turned left in front of Diddy's SUV and Diddy's driver t-boned the other vehicle.
Officers were called to the scene -- and cops claim everyone involved in the accident complained of pain, including Diddy, his driver, and the other driver.

It's unclear how seriously anyone was injured -- but law enforcement sources tell us, no one was transported to a hospital ... despite an ambulance being called.
A report was taken. No citations were issued.
Diddy was involved in a serious car accident in L.A. moments ago ... TMZ has learned.
Law enforcement sources tell TMZ, a car turned left in front of Diddy's SUV and Diddy's driver t-boned the other vehicle.
Officers were called to the scene -- and cops claim everyone involved in the accident complained of pain, including Diddy, his driver, and the other driver.
It's unclear how seriously anyone was injured -- but law enforcement sources tell us, no one was transported to a hospital ... despite an ambulance being called.
A report was taken. No citations were issued.
Obama Planned To Divorce His Wife, Michelle?
The saying that no secret remains a secret forever is about to play a significant role in the lives and ambition of the American first family, as the race to the White House election heat up.
US business mogul Donald Trump, according to credible sources, is about to claim that he has found divorce papers of President Barack Obama and wife Michelle.
is alleged by an analyst, Douglas Kass, that Trump will claim that the
documents ‘show the First Lady and the President were at one point in
their two decades of marriage seriously considering splitting up’.
Trump announced on Monday that he was set to make an announcement on Wednesday that would be ‘bordering on gigantic’ and that it would ‘possibly’ change the Presidential race.
It was gathered that Trump is more favourable to Obama losing the presidential election to Mitt Romney, his fellow businessman and candidate of the Republican party.
Trump announced on Monday that he was set to make an announcement on Wednesday that would be ‘bordering on gigantic’ and that it would ‘possibly’ change the Presidential race.
It was gathered that Trump is more favourable to Obama losing the presidential election to Mitt Romney, his fellow businessman and candidate of the Republican party.
MI Tribute To Aluu 4 (Music)

“4 young men died at the hands of a lynch
mob on the 5th of October 2012. Whether or not their deaths will mean
anything, or fade out of our minds as just another meaningless tragedy,
is up to us and what we do from here on. I hope this song captures that
message. Nothing would be worse than for a death to mean nothing" - MI
$183m oil fund missing
Minister of Petroleum Resources, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke | credits:
total of $183m (N28.73bn) in signature bonuses paid by oil companies to
the federation is missing, according to a confidential report seen by Reuters.
A team headed by the former Chairman,
Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, produced
the 146-page study based on the Ministry of Petroleum Resources’
request. It covers the year 2002 to 2012.
The report said that Ministers of
Petroleum Resources between 2008 and 2011 handed out seven discretionary
oil licences, but that $183m in signature bonuses was missing from the
Three of the oil licences were awarded
since the current minister, Mrs. Diezani Alison-Madueke, took up her
position in 2010, according to the report.
“I have not given any discretionary awards during this administration,” Alison-Madueke told Reuters, although she added that the President had the right to do so instead of using bids if he saw fit.
“That is entirely up to him,” she said.
Nigeria is Africa’s largest crude oil
exporter, shipping more than two million barrels per day, and is also
home to the world’s ninth biggest gas reserves and one of its largest
Liquefied Natural Gas export terminals.
The report provides new details on the
nation’s long history of corruption in the oil sector, which has
enriched its elite and provided the oil majors with hefty profits, while
two thirds of the people live in poverty.
Alison-Madueke, told Reuters on Tuesday that she received the report last month but that it was a draft and the government was still supposed to give input.
The one seen by Reuters was labelled “Final Report.”
The report concluded that oil majors,
Shell, Total and Eni, made bumper profits from cut-price gas, while oil
ministers handed out licences at their own discretion. This, while not
illegal, did not follow best practice of using open bids.
Hundreds of millions of dollars in signature bonuses on those deals were also missing, it said.
“We have not seen this report and are,
therefore, unable to comment on the content, but we will study it if and
when it is published,” a Shell spokesman said.
The report alleges international oil
traders sometimes buy crude without any formal contracts, and the state
oil firm, the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation, had short-changed
the Nigerian treasury billions over the last 10 years by selling crude
oil and gas to itself below market rates.
There was no suggestion that the oil
majors or traders had done anything illegal, but the report highlighted a
lack of transparency in their dealings in a nation rife with graft.
“It is a draft,” Alison-Madueke said.
“There will be some areas where the government … may have a slightly
different opinion … (and) will put its point of view to the committee.”
She said she expected the final report to be with President Goodluck Jonathan within two weeks.
Ribadu’s probe was among several set up
following a week of nationwide strikes against a rise in fuel prices in
January, which morphed into a campaign against oil corruption.
Billions of dollars of revenue was missing in unpaid debts from signature bonuses and royalties, the report found.
Nigeria LNG, a company jointly owned by
the NNPC, Shell, Total and Eni, had paid the country for gas at cut-down
prices before exporting it to international markets, the report said.
Total and Eni declined to comment because they invest in but do not operate Nigeria LNG, the role played by Shell.
“The estimated cumulative of the deficit
between value obtainable on the international market and what is
currently being obtained from NLNG, over the 10-year period, amounts to
approximately $29bn,” the report said.
It also said foreign oil firms had outstanding debts.
Addax, now a unit of China’s state-owned
Sinopec, owes Nigeria $1.5bn in unpaid royalties, part of a $3bn black
hole of unpaid bonuses and royalties owed by oil firms.
Addax did not respond to requests for comment, but the report noted it disputed owing the signature bonuses.
Shell owes the Federal Government
N137.57bn for gas sold from its Bonga deep offshore field, the report
said, while oil majors owed $58m between them for gas flaring penalties.
They were also not adhering to newer higher fines.
The probe also said Nigeria was the only
nation to sell all its crude through international oil traders rather
than directly to refineries, adding that such trades were often opaque.
It said some international oil traders
who were not “on the approved master list of customers” had been sold
crude oil “without a formal contract” so little could be obtained about
the details of these deals, which could be worth hundreds of millions of
“This logically will serve to reduce margins obtainable on sale of crude oil,” the report said.
But Alison-Madueke disputed this, saying
there were no informal contracts and there was “an official tender put
out every year,” which could be seen by the public in newspapers.
The state oil firm gets an allocation of
445,000 barrels per day of crude oil to refine locally, but it has been
selling itself this oil at cut-down prices, a practice which cost
Nigeria $5bn in potential revenue between 2002 and 2011, the report
“NNPC buys at international rates,” Alison-Madueke retorted.
The report said the NNPC made N86.6bn
over the 10-year period by using overly generous exchange rates in its
declarations to the government. There was no sign of the money.
Among the report’s recommendations were
that parts of NNPC be reorganised or scrapped, an independent review of
the use of traders be set up and a transparency law be passed requiring
oil companies to disclose all payments made to Nigeria.
United States regulators put new rules
in place in August that will require US-listed oil and gas companies to
disclose payments they make to foreign governments like Nigeria.
Boko Haram Have Police Officers As Members
Police authorities have described as baseless, rumour making the rounds that it has discontinued the massive manhunt placed on the heads of its personnel who bolted after one Ahmed Grema, of the Nigerian Immigration Service, Maiduguri, revealed their membership of Boko Haram.
“No. It is a rumour. We (police) are on top of the situation. The manhunt is still on,” said Force Public Relations Officer (FPRO), Frank Mbah in a chat with Reporters
He asserted that the police has not changed its mind on the massive manhunt it placed on the heads of the affected officers who got wind of their impending arrest and fled before they could be taken into custody.
According to him, the affected policemen can run but the long arm of the law will eventually catch up with them, no matter where they run to.
Mbah called for a closer collaboration between the police and members of the public especially in the area of information flow so that crime and criminality will be curbed in the country.
It will be recalled that in his confessional statement when men of the Joint Task Force (JTF) apprehended him last September, Grema disclosed
that the Boko Haram sect also has other well placed security operatives as members.
It was also gathered that officers and men of the security agencies, who are suspected of having close ties with the Islamic sect, have gone underground since Grema’s confession that he and the others have played active parts in the killing of some senior civil servants, security agents and politicians who oppose the
Two Students In Police Net Over Kidnap, Rape, Murder Of Colleague
The two suspects are alleged to have buried their victim in a shallow grave in a forest at Ugbor village, Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State, after killing her.
Arrested Suspects
The murder suspects did not stop there as they were also alleged to have continued to demand ransom from her parents after killing her.
Anthony Airhuoyo, State Police Public Relations Officer, however, told newsmen that the police made a head way in the case on October 17 when two of the suspects were arrested.
He added that a third suspect, whose name was given simply as Charles, was still on the run.
Airhuoyo disclosed that the suspects took the police to the spot where they buried Mercy and her corpse was exhumed. The autopsy report is still been awaited.
Nicki Minaj Turn Down Balloteli Hang Out Offer After Her Performance In Manchester
YMCMB First lady, Nicki Minaj, has reportedly turned down a request
by Manchester City ‘Bad Boy,’ Mario Balotelli to hang out with him
because she was ‘too tired’.
The American Idol Judge turned down the offer to meet up because she was fatigued after performing at her Pink Friday: Reloaded Tour in Manchester.
“Mario was gutted. He’s a big fan and turned up with gifts along with his other club team mates” a source revealed.
“But Nicki was too tired after the gig and feasted on a massive Nando’s order instead – so he went home disappointed. He’d even bought a camera especially” the source added.
Manchester City would later go on to lose scandalously 3-1 away to Ajax in the UEFA Champions League, Wednesday night. Who knows, perhaps the players were smarting from Nicki Minaj’s snub!
The American Idol Judge turned down the offer to meet up because she was fatigued after performing at her Pink Friday: Reloaded Tour in Manchester.
“Mario was gutted. He’s a big fan and turned up with gifts along with his other club team mates” a source revealed.
“But Nicki was too tired after the gig and feasted on a massive Nando’s order instead – so he went home disappointed. He’d even bought a camera especially” the source added.
Manchester City would later go on to lose scandalously 3-1 away to Ajax in the UEFA Champions League, Wednesday night. Who knows, perhaps the players were smarting from Nicki Minaj’s snub!
Nigeria In African Cup Of Nation Group Of Death
Super Eagles players celebrating victory over Liberia in Calabar … on Saturday.
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The grouping may have become a prayer answered for many Nigerian fans that prefer to avoid Cote d’Ivoire and Ghana in the early round. Nigeria failed to qualify for the 2012 edition held in Gabon/Equatorial Guinea.
Eagles captain Joseph Yobo told, “It’s a fair draw; Zambia, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia? Well that’s not bad. But I’m not saying it’s going to be easy because football in Africa has vastly improved. No team is a minnow anymore, but looking at the group on paper, I want to say it’s a fair one.”
Debutants Cape Verde, who upset Cameroon to make their first finals, will play host South Africa in the opening match of the biennial competition.
Morocco, due to host the tournament in 2015, and Angola complete Group A. On paper, it is a fair deal for the hosts who are expected to qualify for the next stage from that group. South Africa won the competition as hosts in 1996 – an edition boycotted by Nigeria as defending champions.
Ghana, who last won the trophy in 1982, face DR Congo, Niger, Mali in Group B. The seeded Ghanaians are favourites of the group with the other having fair chances to qualify as the second team from the group.
The most respected team in Africa this period, Cote d’Ivoire are leading Group D already dubbed the ‘Group of Death’ as the other three teams are balanced in their makeup. Togo, Tunisia and Algeria who complete the group will battle each other hard to scale through. Only the Togolese are yet to win the African cup from this group.
Cape Verde, with a population of about 500,000, shocked the Indomitable Lions of Cameroon 3-2 on aggregate to book their place in the tournament and there were cheers as they were drawn out by South African president Jacob Zuma last night to form the other half of the event’s curtain-raiser.
The tournament will be held in Durban, Johannesburg, Nelspruit, Port Elizabeth and Rustenburg between January 19 and February 10.
Groups in full:
Group A: South Africa, Angola, Morocco, Cape Verde
Group B: Ghana, Mali, Niger, DR Congo
Group C: Zambia, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia
Group D: Cote d’Ivoire, Tunisia, Algeria, Togo
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Rihanna Dad Dreams Rihanna Wedding Chris Brown
Rihanna’s father, Ronald Fenty is happy Riri and Chris Brown are back together and now hopes their rekindled love ends in marriage.
The 24-year-old singer’s dad told Life & Style magazine:
“Whatever makes her happy. I hope one day she will get married. Everyone adores Chris, he’s a super guy. The family loved Chris Brown before they met him. I always thought he was extremely talented. He is a good person and always gave me great respect.”
Rihanna and Chris Brown don’t seem to have plans to tie the knot just yet, but who knows; we may soon hear they are getting married.
Proven family man and rap icon Jay-Z had earlier warned that he won’t hesitate to end Chris Brown’s career if he ever harms Rihanna again. Brown knows Jay-Z well enough to cross him; hopefully his relationship with Rihanna will be ‘happily ever after’.
If things work out the way Riri’s father hopes, and Chris Brown keeps a cool head, we may be witnessing another Jay-Z-Beyonce-like relationship.
Senator Gave 1.5 Million To Boko Haram
You will recall that the senator in whose home a high profile boko haram member was allegedly arrested, was invited by the Department of State Services (DSS) yesterday to iron out some grey areas.
The Senator, Khalifa Ahmed Zanna, who turned himself in around noon Monday at the DSS headquarters in Abuja, while been interrogated, explained the reason why he gave about N1.5 million to Boko Haram members to buy Sallah rams.
Senator Ahmed Zanna
He explained that the sect members forcefully took his aide to his house for a search, where they retrieved N250,000 with a message that he should provide them with a sum of N10 million or else they would come for him.
The senator, who was released last night, is expected back at the DSS headquarters Tuesday, in continuation of investigations.
Petrol Will Reduce To 75 Naira Per Litre Next Year
Director of the company, Mathew Wenke, said that his company did
not intend to seek subsidy to import petroleum products.
As the fuel crisis continues without a permanent solution in sight and as controversy rages over the continuous implementation of the fuel subsidy regime, Epic Refinery and Petrochemicals Company Limited, has said it intends to import refined fuel and sell at N75 per litre.
Wenke said that such importation was part of the company’s contribution to the Federal Government’s transformation agenda under President Goodluck Jonathan’s administration.
According to him, the current scarcity of fuel and the attendant high cost was caused by saboteurs who want to discredit the present administration for political reasons.
Wenke said the petroleum products when imported would be made available to Nigerians through the use of the distribution network of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) to squarely address the issue of scarcity.
He however said the company which had applied to the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) to build a $30bn refinery in Bayelsa State would acquire series of tankers to distribute the product to all zones in the country.
“The current fuel scarcity is caused by some saboteurs and we intend to fill this gap. It is for the sake of national interest. We shall go into mass importation of fuel while preparing to establish refinery in the next two years. We shall import fuel without asking for subsidy. We have sought to use the NNPC distribution network to address the issue of scarcity. We shall do this to show our support to the President.”, he said
He explained that the idea to sell at N75 per litre at a time when fuel was selling between N110 and N130 in some parts of the country was mainly to demonstrate genuineness to contribute to the nation’s development and not to create more hard times for Nigerians.
“We believe that after selling at N75 per litre we shall still have enough to sustain our business”, he said.
Wenke promised that when his company was granted licence to build a refinery, the company would ensure that the price per litre would further go down.
He disclosed that the company planned to import fuel, diesel and kerosene, adding that if industry marketers went on strike for whatever reason, the company should bring in its own trucks for products distribution.
“We have written to the Minister and other agencies that we want to import. We are now waiting for their approval”, he said.
When asked on how his company intended to handle the issue of the oil industry cabal trying to frustrate such offers, he maintained that the company could not be intimidated in whatever way.
“No cabal can stop us from importing fuel at reduced price. To us, we are trying to contribute our quota to the economic development of this country. We want to think and behave like a new Nigerian. As Ijaw man, we are all mafians, we believe that nobody can stop us”, he said.
Lagos Traffic Law: Obasanjo Utility Farm Van Seized For Driving On BRT Way
It was alleged that sometime last week, the vehicle violated Lagos state traffic laws hence it was impounded and efforts by the former president to ensure its prompt release hit brick walls.
In a move deemed as retaliatory, over 10 red-coloured LAG Bus belonging to Lagos State Government were forcefully diverted into the Obasanjo Farms compound in Ota between last Friday and Sunday, October 21.
This action has reportedly led to scarcity of the popular bus on Lagos-Abeokuta expressway while thousands of residents of Sango, Ota, Ifo and other settlements along the axis, have become stranded for the second day running while having a ripple effect on the cost of transportation in the area.
Wizkid On Piont At BBC 1xtra Live Concert In London
The Nigerian international pop act has been selected to thrill the crowd at the BBC 1xtra Live Concert in November alongside other world renowned acts
The announcement which was made last night by the BBC is a confirmation that the EME Superstar will be performing Live on the same stage as Trey Songs, Kendrick Lamar, Tulisa and Angel among others at the Brixton Academy, London on Monday, November 12, 2012.
K SOLO RE-MARRY, Post Her Picture On Facebook
1:48 AM
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Singer and producer K Solo is flaunting another woman on his Facebook page as his love and new fiancee.
Less than two months after he and pregnant wife, Kikelomo Oyeniyi came out to say their very public break up was just a publicity stunt
Just hope this is part of the Nollywood script. Anyway her name is Linda Jacks aka D.J Babylyn......See his post on Facebook below:

K-Solo and Linda
Cultist Force Two Ladies To Act Lesbianism Movie
The Nigerian Army in Enugu has paraded 21 Enugu State University of Science and Technology students for allegedly torturing and forcing some female students to have stuff among themselves.
The students, most of who confessed to being cultists, told journalists that they took video shots of the lésbian act because they had been offered money by some influential Nigerians.
The idea, the suspects said, was to take tapes of the scenes to their partners in Europe.
Shortly before parading the suspects on Saturday, the General Officer Commanding 82 Division, Maj. Gen. Sarkin Yaki Bello, who spoke through the Assistant Director, Army Public Relations, Lt. Col. Sagir Musa, said the cultists, were arrested in their hideouts at Agbani on the outskirts of Enugu between July 8 and 12, 2011.
Bello said the patrol team of 103 Battalion moved to the ESUT following persistent gunshots at the institution on July 4 and arrested one of the masterminds of the crime, Mr Franklin Anikwe, with five rounds of ammunition.
The GOC said he had directed that a thorough investigation be carried out in order to fish out the pepetrators.
He said, “It was the preliminary investigation conducted by the division’s intelligence group that led to the arrest of the 19 other suspects. Some of the items recoverd from them are four locally made pistols, 10AA cartridges and video clips where the female students were forced to have illicit stuff with themselves during the raid.”
Also recovered were 10 mobile telephone handsets, including the one used for recording the dirty scenes.
Man Show Up At His Own Funeral Day
A 41-year-old car washer shocked his family when he interrupted a funeral being held for him at his mother's home in the town of Alagoinhas in northeastern Brazil, police said Tuesday.
Police inspector Roberto Lima said by telephone that on Sunday Jose Marcos Araujo identified a body at the city morgue as being that of his brother, Gilberto. Lima said that Jose Marcos took the body to his mother's home where a wake was held.
"The confusion started when news started circulating that a car washer had been shot dead," Jose Marcos' wife, Ana Paula, told the UOL Internet news portal. "Police called my husband and told him that his brother had been killed and his body was at the morgue." Lima said the confusion was "understandable."
"The two men closely resembled each other and both worked as car washers," Lima said adding that the man whose body was in the morgue was named Genivaldo Santos Gama. He said further information on Gama was not immediately available.
A few hours before the Monday burial "a friend of Gilberto's saw him walking down the street and told him that his family was mourning him," he said. "So he went to his mother's home to let everyone know he was very much alive."
When Araujo showed up at his wake "some people fainted and others were so scared they ran away. It was a big shock," family friend Maria Menezes told the G1 online news site.
Gilberto's mother Marina Santana told reporters "I am overjoyed. What mother wouldn't be after being told that her son is dead and then sees him alive.
Man Scared Passenger On Plane "Force Pilot To Land"
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and crew of an Abuja-bound aircraft belonging to Arik Air were thrown
into panic on Tuesday when a passenger behaving in a strange manner
stood up and screamed Allahu Akbar(God is great) midair.
The scared passengers, who took off from
Maiduguri, Borno State, rushed to the strange passenger identified as
Aminu Galadima, grabbed him and searched him to ascertain if he had a
bomb strapped to his body.
Our correspondent learnt that the
situation made the pilot of the aircraft with registration number 5N
MJE to immediately radio the Air Traffic Control and airport security
The Special Assistant to the Minister of
Aviation on Media, Mr. Joe Obi, confirmed the development in a
statement made available to our correspondent in Abuja.
Obi said the passenger in question went
through the necessary security checks at the airport and did not raise
any suspicion until he started shouting midair.
He said, “A passenger, Aminu Galadima, a
native of Minna, Niger State, boarded a Maiduguri-Abuja- bound Arik Air
aircraft with registration number 5N MJE after going through mandatory
security screening.
“Nothing incriminating; no explosives or
weapons whatsoever were found on him. However, midair, the passenger
began to act strangely, loudly screaming, ‘God is great.’ Fellow
passengers, alarmed by his behaviour rushed to apprehend him.
“A thorough search by fellow passengers
and crew members revealed nothing dangerous on him. The pilot
immediately radioed Air Traffic Control and airport security operatives.
“The plane landed safely at the Nnamdi
Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja at exactly 12.53hrs and the suspect
was handed over to the SSS at about 14.45hrs. He is currently being
Obi reassured the flying public of the
continued focus of the Ministry of Aviation on the safety and security
of the nation’s airspace and cautioned Nigerians against spreading
dangerous rumours.
Before the official statement by the authorities , rumours had spread that the plane had been bombed.
Arik also confirmed the arrest of the man, but denied that a bomb was found on its plane.
In a statement by its Public Relations
and Communications Manager, Mr. Adebanji Ola, the airline said, “There
is no iota of truth in the rumour making the rounds that a passenger
attempted to bomb an Arik Air aircraft operating a flight from Maiduguri
to Abuja today, Tuesday, October 23, 2012.
“To set the records straight, a
passenger on board flight W3 812 from Maiduguri to Abuja caused a scare
when he started shouting ‘Allah Akbar’ shortly before the aircraft
landed at the Nnamdi Azikiwe International Airport, Abuja. The
frightened passengers on board the flight became suspicious, thinking
the man was about to do something sinister.
“All the passengers on board the flight,
including the man in question, had all gone through the normal security
checks at the Maiduguri International Airport, and nothing
incriminating was found on anyone.
“However, when the aircraft landed in
Abuja, another security check was conducted on the passenger and nothing
incriminating was found on him. A further security search was conducted
on the operating aircraft, a Boeing 737-700 NG, and no trace of bomb or
explosives was found. The aircraft went back to service immediately.”
The incident was reminiscent of the
December 25, 2009 bomb attempt on a Detroit-bound plane by a Nigerian
passenger, Mr. Farouk AbdulMuttalab. The plane took off from Nigeria en
route Detroit through Amsterdam.
Barely two weeks after the United States
granted Nigeria Category One certification in August 2010, the Nigerian
aviation industry and security agencies were thrown into confusion,
following an attack on a foreign airline, KLM, at the Nnamdi Azikiwe
International Airport Abuja.
An aggrieved, passenger whose identity
had been masked by the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria, had beaten
all security measures to launch an attack on a flight scheduled to
depart for Amsterdam.
The rising incidence of terror attacks
in the Northern part of the country, especially Borno State, from which
the Arik Air aircraft originated its journey, had been a source of worry
to Nigerians.
Borno State, regarded as terror capital of Nigera, is believed to be home to the Boko Haram Islamic sect.
The group, which was founded by Mohammed
Yusuf in 2001, became known internationally following sectarian
violence in Nigeria in July 2009 which left over 1,000 people dead.
Teacher flogs 12-year-old pupil to death
IG, Abubakar
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12-year-old pupil of a secondary school in Awka, Anambra State, Miss
Chidimma Ukachukwu, has died after she was allegedly flogged by her
teacher for failing to do her homework.
A reliable source in the school told the News Agency of Nigeria in Awka on Tuesday that the girl died on Thursday last week after she was flogged.
The source explained that the girl
fainted after being flogged severally by a female teacher and was
subsequently rushed to an undisclosed hospital, where she died.
The source also told NAN that the
Commissioner for Education, Mrs. Uju Okeke, then ordered the closure of
the school as a result of the incident.
A NAN correspondent, who visited the
girl’s family home, soon after she was buried on Tuesday in Awka,
reports that the family was in grief.
The girl’s father, Mr. Simeon Ukachukwu,
confirmed the incident, saying it was a sad development. He added that
it was an act of God.
But when Okeke was contacted, she denied ordering the closure of the school and said that the school was on midterm break.
NAN investigation, however, revealed that schools in the state were not on midterm break.
This fact was corroborated by an official of the Nigerian Union of Teachers in Akwa South Local Government Area.
The Chairperson of the union in the
local government, Miss Buife Ndigwe, told NAN that primary and secondary
schools in the state would go on midterm break next week.
When contacted, the Public Relations
Officer of the state police command, Mr. Ralph Uzoigwe, said that the
matter had not been reported to the police, but promised that it would
be investigated.
BEWARE!! Boko Haram planning massive attacks during Sallah :JTF
JTF spokesman, Lieutenant Colonel Sagir Musa
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The JTF also alleged that the Islamic fundamentalists had been receiving assistance from foreign militants to carry out their deadly attacks.
In a statement, the JTF spokesman, Lt.-Col. Sagir Musa, said the group was planning to attack worship centres and other public places.
The statement said, “Information available to the Joint Task Force indicates that the Boko Haram terrorists are planning to launch massive attacks on military and civilian targets in Borno State before, during and after the forthcoming Sallah celebrations.
“The terrorists have invited foreign militant groups to assist them in the anticipated attacks.
“We know where they are coming from but we don’t want to disclose that because we don’t want to pre-empt our security arrangement to tackle them.”
Boko Haram members are believed to have sought training in northern Mali from Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and its allies. There has been intense speculation over whether other links have been formed with foreign groups.
The JTF has claimed that insurgents from neighbouring Chad have previously fought alongside Boko Haram.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
HIV Drug Found In South Africa
African scientists have discovered how some people can make potent
antibodies capable of neutralising strains of HIV,Business Day reported
on Monday.
hoping we can use this information to develop a vaccine that prompts
the body’s immune system to make broadly neutralising antibodies,” Penny
Moore was quoted saying.
Moore is lead author of a paper describing the discovery, published in Nature Medicine on Sunday.
scientists have discovered that the virus evolves to evade its
host’s immune system by adding a sugar molecule to its surface. The
host’s antibodies adapt to recognise the sugar in such a way that they
can kill nine of 10 known strains of HIV.
study is based on blood samples taken at regular intervals over several
years from two women infected with HIV, enabling scientists to study
how the virus and the women’s antibodies have changed over time, Moore
according to The Gazette (Montreal) newspaper, a new study has found
that chemicals commonly found in bananas are as potent in preventing HIV
as two synthetic anti-HIV drugs.
say the findings could lead to a cheap new component for applied
microbicides that prevent intimate transmission of HIV.
miracle substance in bananas is called BanLec, a type of lectin, which
are the sugar-binding proteins found in a variety of plants. Scientists
have long been interested in lectins because of their ability to halt
the chain reaction that leads to certain viral infections. In the case
of BanLec, it works by binding naturally to the sugar-rich envelope that
encases the HIV virus, thus blocking its entry into the body.
problem with some HIV drugs is that the virus can mutate and become
resistant, but that’s much harder to do in the presence of lectins.
Lectins can bind to the sugars found on different spots of the HIV-1
envelope, and presumably it will take multiple mutations for the virus
to get around them,” said lead author Michael D. Swanson.
I Have Raw Evidence Of Violence And Manipulation Footage - AKEREDOLU
Mr. Rotimi Akeredolu
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Akeredolu, in a statement on Monday, insisted that the election, which returned the incumbent governor, Dr. Olusegun Mimiko of the Labour Party, was fraught with irregularities.
He said, “I am conscious of the expectation of our supporters and the general public on our reaction to the outcome of the election.
“Let me state that our party is studying the results and will take a decision on reports of widespread irregularities from our agents and other witnesses. I have been inundated with tales of the brazen acts of violence perpetrated by thugs during the conduct of the election.
“I still find it difficult to believe that our security agents played the role of partisans of injustice in some areas of the state. There are, however, incontrovertible evidence of attempts at violence and actual perpetration of the same against voters before, during and after the election.”
But our correspondent had on Sunday contacted the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Mohammed Ndabawa, who was seconded from the Rivers State Police Command, just before the election, on the allegations of police collusion.
Ndabawa had said he knew nothing of the issue and advised the ACN to take the Independent National Electoral Commission up on the issue in a court.
Akeredolu reiterated that he had evidence that the State Commissioner for Special Duties, Mr. Niran Sule, was arrested for being in possession of firearms and large sums of money on the morning of election.
Motorcyclist sells nurse to ritual killers for N10,000
commercial motorcyclist, identified simply as Ifeanyi, has been
arrested for allegedly handing over a nurse, Mrs. Helen Ilonge, to
ritual killers after collecting N10, 000.
PUNCH Metro learnt
that Ilonge had on Tuesday last week took Ifeanyi’s motorcycle on her
way to Igoli along the Ogoja-Ikom Highway in Ogoja LGA.
Ilonge, the coordinator of Primary Health Care in
Bekwarra Local Government Area of Cross River State, was coming from a
programme at the Assemblies of God Church, Abakaliki in Ebonyi State,
and had alighted from a vehicle at Okpongrinya junction before taking
the bike.
It was gathered that Ilonge (51) was beheaded while
her other vital reproductive parts such as breast and vagina were
removed for ritual purposes.
Ilonge’s neighbour, Mrs. Theresa Idagwu, on Sunday
said, “Ifeanyi took the lady from Okpogrinya Junction on the pretence
that he was taking her to the village, which is 10 minutes drive from
the point. But along the way, he stopped and handed her over to
kidnappers at Ukpe.
Meanwhile, the woman had called her daughter,
Victoria, around 9pm that she had taken a bike at Okpogrinya Junction on
her way to Igoli. She said when she gets to her destination; she would
call again so that Victoria would boil water for her to take her bath.
That was Ilonge’s last call.”
Repeated calls made to the woman’s line, according to Idagwu, indicated that it was switched off.
She said Ilonge’s family became worried when the
woman did not return home. “We went everywhere- police stations,
hospitals and even her friends in Igoli, thinking that may be an
accident had occurred along the road but we got nothing,” Idagwu added.
Two days later, Idagwu said someone called Victoria
on her phone and informed her that her mother had been kidnapped. The
caller demanded a ransom of N50, 000 to be remitted in form of recharge
She said, “Since her daughter could not raise the
money, she rushed to the Bekwarra LGA headquarters where the head of
administration, Mr. Bisong Bogbo, and the chairman, Mr. Linus Edeh,
provided the money with which she bought recharge cards and sent to the
“The voice claimed that he needed the recharge cards
so he could sell and run away from his master who is a ritual killer. He
claimed that he had been serving his master for a long time and wanted
to run away. He said once he gets the cards, he will break the door
where the nurse is being kept and release her.”
The LGA’s head of administration, Bogbo, confirmed that the cards were sent to the kidnapper through Victoria’s telephone.
He said immediately the alleged kidnapper confirmed receipt of the cards; he switched off his telephone.
Luck, however, ran out of Ifeanyi. Policemen tracked his telephone line and discovered that he called Victoria from Abuochiche.
Further investigations, it was gathered, showed that Ifeanyi had been selling the cards in the village immediately he got them.
When he was arrested, Bogbo told our correspondent
that Ifeanyi led the police to one of the ritual killers identified
simply as Elvis.
Elvis, according to Bogbo, confessed that the nurse
had already been killed and some of her vital organs removed before
Ifeanyi asked for the recharge cards.
Elvis also said the remains of the woman were buried in a swamp.
At the council headquarters, one of the late nurse’s
colleagues, Mr. Gabriel Ogar, said she was probably the kindest woman he
ever worked with.
Ogar said, “I have worked with five coordinators, but
I know that she is just the best so far. She worked to the admiration
of Governor Liyel Imoke and now she has been killed leaving her five
children without a helper.
“Her husband died 12 years ago and since then she has
been the one taking care of the children and only one has graduated.
Please let the government do something for those poor children.”
When contacted on Monday, the state Commissioner of
Police, Mr. Osita Ezechukwu, said the police were still investigating
the matter.
He said four suspects had been apprehended by the
anti-homicide unit, adding that when the investigation was completed the
suspects would be prosecuted.
“We have taken confessional statement from them.
Those who are not involved have been allowed to go while those who are
involved are still in detention,” Ezechukwu said.
Culled From Punch
51-year-old Nurse Killed By Suspected Ritualists In Cross-River
Mrs. Ilonge, who lost her husband about twelve years ago, was kidnapped last week while returning from a church programme at Assemblies of God, Abakaliki, in Ebonyi State, to her Ukpe village, along Ikom-Ogoja Highway and was subsequently beheaded.
Speaking on the matter, Cross River State Commissioner of Police, Mr. Osita Ezechukwu, said about four persons have been arrested by the anti-homicide unit, adding that when investigations were completed, the suspects would be prosecuted.
“We have taken confessional statement from them. Those who are not involved have been allowed to go while those who are involved are still in detention,” he said.
An okada rider in Bekwara identified as Ifeanyi alias koboko is one of the suspects arrested by the police. He was said to have been paid N10, 000 by a suspected ritualist whose name was given as Elvis Okumo. He allegedly beheaded the nurse and severed other vital reproductive parts including breast.
It was gathered that 51-year old Mrs Ilonge met Ifeanyi who had allegedly been contracted by the ritualist to supply vital parts of a woman and he was said to have taken the lady from Okpogrinya Junction on the pretence that he was taking her to Igoli, Ogoja, her destination, some ten minutes’ drive from the point but along the way stopped and handed her over to the kidnappers at Ukpe.
According to the victim’s neighbor, Mrs. Theresa Idagwu, the late Mrs. Ilonge “called her daughter Victoria Agah at about 9 pm that she was at Okpogrinya junction that she was taking a cyclist to Igoli and that when she gets to Igoli, she would call again so that she (Victoria) can boil water for her because she was cold following the rain which has been falling all day and she was drenched-that was the last call.”
Mrs. Idagwu alleged that was the last they heard of her until two days later when a call came through from the kidnappers demanding for a ransom of N50,000 which should be sent through MTN and GLO recharge cards.
“We looked everywhere, in police stations, hospitals and even her friends in Igoli, thinking that maybe an accident had occurred along the road but we got nothing,” she said.
When her daughter could not raise the money for the recharge cards, she rushed to the Bekwara council headquarters where the head of administration, Mr. Bisong Bogbo and the chairman of council Mr. Linus Edeh provided the money sent to the kidnapers.
The Bekwara Council Head of Administration, Mr. Bogbo said, “Initially they said they were at Ishi Eke near Abakaliki. The voice claimed that he needed the recharge so he could sell and run away from the master who was a ritualist whom he has been serving for a long time and was tired. He said once he gets the cards he will break the door where the nurse was kept and release her.”
According to him, after the cards were sent to the kidnaper by the daughter, the kidnapper called to say he was going to confirm if the cards were genuine but after that his phone was switched off.
However after hours of panic and anxiety, we later heard that the woman was cut in pieces and it was the tracking device that located the place of the voice to be in Abuochiche and some people confirmed that Ifeanyi was selling MTN and GLO recharge cards.
The two suspects arrested; Ifeanyi and the mastermind of the kidnap, Elvis according to Bogbo confessed that the woman had already been butchered after Ifeanyi collected the recharge cards and her other remains buried in a swamp.
He said “The thing is that, the woman was wasted because the oracle they took her head and private parts to rejected them and were thrown away.”
Police sources say the suspects would be prosecuted as soon as possible.
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